Home Formations Prép’ ENM

Prép’ ENM

Entry exam preparation

Nombre d'heures de formation

580 hours

Durée de la formation

1 year

Responsable(s) pédagogique(s)

Didier Del Prete

Public Law

Phone : 04 65 04 70 76

The Prép’ ENM prepares for legal professions and more particularly for the National School of Magistracy (ENM) competition.

Description of the course

The course is intended for a group of about forty students who are motivated by competitive examinations in the legal profession. It is provided by a multidisciplinary teaching team made up of academics and magistrates from the judicial system.

The preparation is based on general culture and public and private law, interspersed with weekly written assignments. Two mock competitions allow students to practice the conditions of the tests. Specific training for the oral exam is offered throughout the preparation.


  • Mastering the rules for handling litigation issues;
  • Analysing situations and ensuring that they comply with the ethical principles of the civil service;
  • Identify and implement the legal rules applicable to the different facets of administrative action;
  • Synthesise a set of documents and data to present them in a concise manner and make them operational for the public decision-maker;


The main competitive examinations prepared are

  • National School for the Judiciary (ENM)
  • Director of the registry of judicial services
  • Director of Prison Services
  • Director of the Judicial Protection of Youth
  • Director of Insertion and Probation

Organisation of the training


  • Public Law
  • European Union law
  • Organization of the State and fundamental freedoms


  • Criminal law and criminal procedure
  • Civil law and civil procedure
  • Trade Law
  • Social right


  • General culture
  • Summary
  • Preparation for oral exams
  • Languages