Sciences Po Aix Alumni
Strengthening the link between Sciences Po Aix graduates and the school is an important issue. With the help of the Association of Sciences Po Aix Graduates, we are developing partnerships and communication systems to promote our Alumni.
The Sciences Po Aix network
Graduates are involved in all the school’s key events, such as the graduation ceremony, the careers forum and the Open Day. They are also involved in professional integration initiatives such as the Jeudis de la Réussite, in which they are invited to talk about their career paths. Others teach or tutor students….
The objectives of the network
- Professional integration of future graduates
- Supporting graduates in their career management and professional development
- Development of the network
- Promotion of the diploma
- Enhancement of graduates
- The national and international influence of Sciences Po Aix
The Alumni Association
The Sciences Po Aix Alumni Association runs several activities for students:
- Supporting them throughout their professional career (dedicated website)
- Offer them a dynamic network of graduates (database, HR network).
- Sponsor them during their studies to encourage professional exchanges with alumni
Alumni testimonials
Sciences Po Aix has allowed me to develop my analytical and synthetic skills, my writing skills and the importance of the group. The teaching staff has always supported me in my academic and professional projects. Thus, the expression “our good house” makes perfect sense. Jordan Hairabedian “