Home News 1st edition of the Major International Security Colloquium

1st edition of the Major International Security Colloquium

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On Saturday, December 3, 2022, Sciences Po Aix is offering the 1st edition of its Major International Security Colloquium on the theme: Covid, war in Ukraine, energy tensions and the spectre of a food crisis, what security for Europe's southern borders?

Existing tensions on Europe’s southern borders have increased in recent years. The health crisis and the war in Ukraine have raised new issues in relations between people living near the Mediterranean, of interdependence as well as competition, which require a re-reading of international relations in the light of these recent developments.

Bringing together political figures, ambassadors, diplomats, senior civil servants, military personnel, academics and business leaders, this event, which will be inaugurated under the auspices of the Director of Sciences Po Aix, aims to question the geopolitical recompositions currently at work in this geostrategic area, and all the more so to encourage forward-looking reflection on the responses provided by States.

In addition to these interventions in the context of the various themes addressed throughout the day, the Major International Security Colloquium of Sciences Po Aix is honoured to welcome David Cattler, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, as well as Uku Sârekanno, Deputy Executive Director of the FRONTEX agency.

Event organized under the high patronage of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, with the support of NATO, the Metropolis of Aix-Marseille-Provence, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region and the city of Aix-en-Provence.

Programme de l’édition 2022.

Plus d’informations et contact

This event is accessible only by invitation or by mandatory registration for students of the School.