Home News Discover the CORIS Master!

Discover the CORIS Master!

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Since the start of the 2021 academic year, Sciences Po Aix has been carrying a new Master’s degree in International Political Communication and Democratic Risks (CORIS) in international partnership with the University of Louvain (Belgium) and the University of Sherbrooke (Canada).

The CORIS International Master offers an unprecedented training, combining an axis of cooperation North America / Europe around an emerging issue: the intensification of the international circulation of risks.

Working at the heart of media companies, government or intergovernmental communication services or large NGOs, future CORIS graduates will be able to adopt a global and comparative approach to the following areas: media systems and informational/communication practices; radicalism and protest; public policies and democratic risk reduction mechanisms.

Are you interested in this training for the start of the 2023 academic year? Do not hesitate to join us for an information meeting on Monday, November 28 at 6pm on the following link: bit.ly/3Gsr6M5.The international teaching team will be there to answer your questions.