A great school
Sciences Po Aix has always focused on major societal issues, and has made Europe, the Mediterranean and Geostrategy its areas of expertise.
Linked to Aix-Marseille Université by agreement, Sciences Po Aix is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and belongs to the Réseau ScPo, which groups together seven of the ten Instituts d’Études Politiques: Sciences Po Aix, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg and Toulouse.
Multidisciplinary teaching
Based on the humanities and social sciences, the teaching at Sciences Po Aix is based on general culture, sociology, political science, law, economics, international relations, history, foreign languages and methodology.
The 5-year Sciences Po Aix Diploma is accessible by competitive entrance exam (1st,2nd or4th year) and offers a multi-disciplinary education designed for young graduates who are curious about the world around them and keen to understand the changes it is undergoing.
A professional curriculum
Sciences Po Aix offers a wide range of master’s programmes that combine in-depth study of fundamental knowledge specialising in the human and social sciences, methodological coursesto ensure mastery of evaluation and decision-making tools, and courses designed to develop students’ generic skills, all of which are operational capabilities that promote the employability of graduates.
To complement this training, the Itinéraires programme offers students tailor-made support in developing their career path, starting in the1st year.
Sciences Po Aix, connected to the world
Sciences Po Aix has an ambitious policy of internationalising its programmes and promoting the international mobility of both students and teaching staff.
At the heart of a network of 142 universities around the world, Sciences Po Aix enables all its students to spend their 3rd year abroad, to diversify their skills and approaches, and to acquire an international profile. Every year, the school welcomes 250 international students on its various courses, for either a semester or a year. The development of multi-lateral scientific programmes and the hosting of researchers from all over the world make Sciences Po Aix a school that is resolutely open to the world.