Our partners
Sciences Po Aix is resolutely focused on the socio-economic reality of its region, France and the rest of the world. The School helps to match its professional courses with the institutions, companies and organisations likely to welcome its students at the end of their course.
These privileged partnerships with companies and institutions take the form of :
- direct involvement in the School’s teaching and research projects.
- participation in the funding of a specific training cycle
- efficient guidance for students and future employees(3rd yearinternships )
- regular recruitment of young graduates
- involvement in the organisation of Sciences Po Aix events (conferences, symposia, etc.)
Local roots
Sciences Po Aix is a partner ofAix-Marseille University in the fields of research, education andinnovation, and is a founding member of the A*Midex foundation and IMéRA. Since 2018, the Director of Sciences Po Aix has also been President of theConférence Régionale des Grandes Ecoles (CRGE PACA).
Local authorities are also key partners, in particular the Bouches-du-Rhône General Council and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur South Region.
A national base
Sciences Po Aix is a member of the Réseau ScPo, a network of seven schools: Sciences Po Aix; Sciences Po Lille; Sciences Po Lyon; Sciences Po Rennes; Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye; Sciences Po Strasbourg and Sciences Po Toulouse.
The school is also a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, which comprises 235 Grandes Ecoles (engineering, management, architecture, political science, creation & design, journalism, military schools, veterinary and health schools, etc.)
An international presence
At the heart of a network of 142 universities around the world, Sciences Po Aix enables all its students to spend their3rd year abroad, to diversify their skills and approaches, and to acquire an international profile. Every year, the school welcomes 250 international students on its various programmes, for either a semester or a year.