Home Enseignants Anne Meyer-Heine

Anne Meyer-Heine


Anne MEYER-HEINE is a lecturer in public law at Sciences Po Aix. She is the author of numerous articles and books on the EU and teaches institutional and substantive law and litigation of the European Union to students at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and at the Centre de préparation aux grands concours de la fonction publique. For more than 15 years, she has taken part in the “Grand Oral” exam at Sciences Po Aix.
She has been awarded a Jean Monnet Chair by the European Commission (in 2003) and has created and directed various Master’s degrees on Europe (“Applied European Policies”, “Policies and Jobs in Europe”, “Age Policies in Europe”).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Revue de l’Union européenne (Dalloz), Anne Meyer-Heine is also responsible for several sections of the annual “Public Policies ” column of the Revue du Droit de l’Union européenne (Clément Juglar).
Member of the Conseil National des Universités, of the Board of Directors and of the Scientific Committee of Sciences Po Aix for more than 10 years, she has also been a member of the jury of the external entrance exam toENA.

She initiated and was responsible for the partnership between Sciences Po Aix and the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA, Czech Republic) on the analysis of the public childcare system in Europe (programme funded by the European Social Fund). She is the scientific leader of published colloquia and conferences on the EU and has initiated and coordinated various collective research projects on European issues.
Referent of the Ambassador EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) appointed by the SGAE (2014 to 2018), she prepared and trained Sciences Po Aix students for the “Nice Model European Union” competition (2016 – her students won the “Honorable Mention” and “Best Delegate” awards)

Anne Meyer-Heine has been Deputy Director of Sciences Po Aix, Director of its Continuing Education Centre, member of its Management Committee, member of its Strategic Orientation Committee, Director of the Institute of Judicial Studies of Toulon and of its ENM preparation centre.

Her expertise activities have been and are numerous: expert evaluator for the review “Gérontologie et société” (AERES review), rapporteur for the Pierre-Henri TEITGEN thesis prize awarded by the CEDECE to the best doctoral thesis on European issues, expert member of the Working Group of theFrench Association of Lobbying and Public Affairs Consultants member of the Scientific Committee for the preparation of the “Etats généraux de la santé”, member of the “Fondation de France” (working group “Personnes âgées”), expert member of the workshop of the “Espace national de recherche sur l’éthique et la maladie d’Alzheimer” (EREMA).