Home Enseignants Magali Nonjon
Political science

Magali Nonjon


Magali Nonjon is a lecturer in political science at Sciences Po Aix. She is responsible
for the Master’s degree in Information:
communication, media, lobbying
, with Alexandre Joux,directorofEJCAM. Her research interests include the professionalization of
participatory engineering
, open government, the making of participatory policies,theinjunction to perform in social policies. More recently, she has invested the field of
democratization policies in higher education.

At Sciences Po Aix, she is in charge of the following courses: media and societý, knowledge and government engineering, public and political communication, digital issues of information, participatory policies…

Among her recent publications:


  • Le marché de la démocratie participative, éditions du croquant2018, (with Alice Mazeaud)
  • Journal issues and articles: Un tournant participatif mondial?participations, 1/2016
  • Another computer revolution, open and big data in administrative organisations, Informations sociales, 2016
  • Governing by computer architecturesspecial issue of the journal Gouvernement et action publique, volume 4, n°2, April-June 2015.

Book chapters :

  • Communication and participation: a professionalisation in tensionin Stéphane Olivesi and Charles Gadéa, Professionnels et professionnalisation de la communication, Octares, 2017
  • The participatory market in France between standardization and fragmentationin Laurence Bherer, Louis Simard and Mario Gauthier, the professionalization of the public participation field, Routledge edition, 2016