Intelligence Certificate
Nombre d'heures de formation
66 hoursDurée de la formation
11 weeksResponsable(s) pédagogique(s)
History, International Relations, Economy
Intelligence has become in recent years a national issue both for the State and for the private sector, which now recruits eminent specialists in the field. True to the spirit of the courses offered by Sciences Po Aix, the Intelligence Studies certificate offers a multidisciplinary view of the subject.
Description of the course
The certificate enables students to understand the actors and tools of intelligence in its different forms and the stakes it represents for the State – public policy – but also for the private sector.
Through teaching modules based on the intervention of “great witnesses” in activity, highly interactive teaching and a final evaluation by serious game, the Certificate in Intelligence Studies allows students to deepen their knowledge, to nourish their strategic thinking and to perfect their mastery of intelligence techniques and practices.
The training is provided by teacher-researchers, professionals from the intelligence services, experts from the senior civil service or executives from the private sector involved in intelligence activities.
Targeted skills
- Implementing the collection, processing and analysis of data in the field of International Relations, including its economic dimensions;
- Implementing public policies on security and defence of national interests;
- Implementing the security policies of a company;
- Develop security policies and strategies;
- Assessing needs in order to develop response and crime control plans.
The certificate is aimed at students who intend to work in the intelligence sector, as well as at all professionals who, in the daily exercise of their missions, are subject to intelligence issues: company executives, local authority executives, elected representatives and their collaborators, state officials, heads of associations and NGOs, etc.
Organisation de la formation
UE 1
UE 1.1 Intelligence of military interest
UE 1.2 Sensors, data and operation
UE 1.3 Technical intelligence (ROIM, ROEM, ROC)
UE 1.4 Human Intelligence
UE 1.5 Targeting for conventional and unconventional purposes
UE 2
UE 2.1 Concepts: what is hiding?
UE 2.2 Clandestine operations: history of an idea, the American case
UE 2.3 Clandestine Operations: Case Studies
UE 2.4 Intelligence and Clandestine, General Directorate of External Security (DGSE)
UE 2.5 Counterterrorism (CT)
UE 3
UE 3.1 Evolution of the concept through history
UE 3.2 The contribution of intelligence in interstate relations
UE 3.3 Embassies as meeting places
UE 3.4 Competition and complementarity, secret diplomacy and Track Two UE 3.5 Counter-proliferation (CP)
UE 4
UE 4.1 Economic intelligence and economic intelligence: introduction
UE 4.2 Sources of intelligence of economic interest
UE 4.3 Cyber Security and Cyber Defense
UE 4.4 Counter-intelligence and economic counter-intelligence
UE 5
UE 5.1 General framework of financial intelligence: history, actors, methods
UE 5.2 Typology of financial crime and terrorist financing
UE 5.3 Presentation of Tracfin and financial flow analysis techniques for intelligence purposes
UE 6
UE 6.1 Endogenous threats (radicalized political movements: ultra-left, ultra-right, alternatives, etc.): weak signals, public order, and terrorist threat.
UE 6.2 The DGSI and counter-terrorism: the challenge of the external/internal continuum at the service of internal security
UE 6.3 Operational anticipation and the conduct of operations: the example of intelligence in crisis management in the gendarmerie (SDAO).
UE 6.4 Counter-intelligence and protection of vital interests: the role of the DRSD
UE 6.5 Police guided by intelligence and criminal intelligence: intelligence methodology in the service of the fight against crime, delinquency and disorder.
UE 6.6 Law and intelligence, intelligence law: the difficult equation