Home Formations Certificate Prevention and management of psychosocial risks
Establishment certificates

Certificate Prevention and management of psychosocial risks

Management , Executive education

Nombre d'heures de formation

60 hours

Durée de la formation

1 year

Responsable(s) pédagogique(s)



Phone : 04 65 04 70 73

This training aims to identify the main psychosocial risk factors and to understand the processes at work. It makes it possible to develop an approach for diagnosis, prevention of psychosocial risks, monitoring and evaluation of the action plan.

Description of the course

Surveys conducted among employees highlight a growing malaise at work, linked to the profound external and internal changes to which companies and employment structures are subjected.

Without support, these changes produce a loss of meaning with massive impacts on health and performance.

The regulations, which require the prevention of risks and the management of psychosocial disorders, thus open up prospects for improving human resources management and professional efficiency by questioning the organisation and working conditions more directly.

This training is built on professional practice and requires each participant to develop, during the course, a prevention approach based on his or her institutional situation.

It is given by professionals: psychologists, human resources management consultants, conflict management specialists, coaches, sociologists and lawyers.

Target skills

  • Knowledge of psychosocial risks

Analysing the psychosocial and health environment as well as the social and economic context

Taking into account cultural diversity and enhancing it

Establishing a diagnosis and a map of psychosocial risks

  • Knowledge of the regulatory framework

To know the regulations on psychosocial and health risks

To master the institutional environment

To master the regulations relating to staff representation bodies

  • Management of psychosocial risks

Valuing the work of each member of a team

Adapting the organisation to psychosocial risks and regulatory constraints

Implementing a prevention approach


  • To identify the main psychosocial risk factors,
  • To understand the processes at work,
  • To develop an approach to diagnosis, prevention of psychosocial risks, monitoring and evaluation of the action plan,
  • Identify the possible levers of intervention.

Organisation de la formation

UE 1

  • Clarification of terms
  • Why do we talk about psychosocial risk?
  • The major troubles
  • The economic and social context
  • Legislative texts and legal obligations
  • The single risk assessment document

UE 2

  • Primary prevention
  • Secondary and tertiary prevention

The effects of the psychosocial risk prevention approach

  • About health
  • On social dialogue
  • On performance

UE 3

  • Objectification and evaluation
  • Indicators
  • Constitution and role of the project group
  • External partners

UE 4

  • Clarification of expectations, objectives, terms and places
  • The construction of an in-depth diagnosis
  • The mobilization of actors
  • Human resources and the social pole of the institution
  • Appropriate and pragmatic tools
  • Return of results
  • Identify the levers of action

UE 5

  • Work organization
    governance and management
  • The possible questioning
  • Management ethics and deontology
  • Individual issues and the professional scene
  • Economic and social strategy

UE 6

  • Frustration management
  • Resource places
  • The helping relationship and accompaniment towards the care of people in suffering